Wine tasting tips for beginners

Wine-Tasting-Tips-WTF-AmyHave you ever wanted to take a trip to a winery or two, but aren’t sure what to expect? Here are a five wine tasting tips to help you feel more comfortable and have a good time:

  1. Be prepared to pay. Most wineries in the more well known regions tend to charge a tasting fee. I am of two minds about this situation. I can understand that they want to weed out those people just looking to get drunk for free, but I think they should incentivize people to buy bottles and take the price of the tasting off of a bottle of wine or just waive the fee if you buy a bottle.  Some places do have an incentive like that, so if they do charge for tastings, ask about reductions or waivers.
  2. Use the spit bucket.  Seriously, I know it’s fun to get a little tipsy, but don’t be the stupid person puking in the bushes.  You can get a decent taste of wine without swallowing it.
  3. Plan lunch and bring snacks.  This is just common sense. Have food in your stomach and even bring some water to keep you hydrated.
  4. Pace yourself. You cannot see every winery in the region in a day. I think 3 to 4 wineries is more than enough to visit. See the above wine tasting tips. Partly because your liver might hate you if you go to more than 4 wineries, but mostly because you’ll see that by the end of the day, all of the wine starts tasting the same. What’s the fun in that?
  5. Have a designated driver. I cannot stress this wine tasting tip enough. Have a responsible person who is either not tasting at all to drive you around or who is only going to taste once at each winery or less. Hire a driver. It doesn’t have to be a professional, just someone you trust to stay sober. Whoever it is that is hauling you around, be sure to compensate them well.  Maybe it’s a good friend who doesn’t drink booze, but does enjoy a good steak dinner. Maybe one of your friends is pregnant or on a prescription drug that prevents them from imbibing. Also, most wine regions have limos or drivers you can hire to take you around…safely.

 Best Wine Tasting Tips?

One of the best wine tasting tips I can give you? Have fun. I’ve read articles that tell you what to wear and how to behave.  Seriously, those are not wine tasting tips.

If you act like an ass, you deserve to be treated like an ass.  If you are of legal drinking age, you should know better. Be polite.

Wear what makes you feel comfortable. It’s supposed to be a fun time. It’s not a fashion show. It’s not a camp out either, so dress (and shower) accordingly.

11 thoughts on “Wine tasting tips for beginners

    1. Amy Ruiz Fritz Post author

      Thanks for the comment! Wine has a way of sneaking up on you.You certainly don’t want to embarrass yourself at a winery to which you’d like to make a return visit. 🙂

  1. Anastasia

    Yeah, the first time I went I didn’t abide by the spit rule. I didn’t notice anyone else doing it, either. At some point I announced, “Whoa! I’m drunk!” And that’s when someone murmured to me, “you’re supposed to spit it out.” Oh.
    Anastasia recently posted…Fashion FantasyMy Profile

  2. Ray

    We live in the MidWest and just love taking a spring, summer and fall weekend and visit several wineries. So agree with the incentive, I don’t mind paying for a tasting, but please take some or all off of my purchases. I am liking your wines. Been there and seen the puker, so NOT PRETTY!!!!! We stop after lunch and chill, no need for the designated driver…. Great tips, thanks for sharing….. Have a great day.
    Ray recently posted…My Child’s Education Is Not Your Fall Back DegreeMy Profile

    1. Amy Ruiz Fritz Post author

      Thanks! We would always bring a picnic lunch with us when wine tasting. It was pretty simple, bread, cheese, meat, and chocolate. 🙂 It’s nice to enjoy the lovely grounds of some of the wineries, too.

    1. Amy Ruiz Fritz Post author

      They are beautiful. You can always be the designated driver! 🙂 Someone would totally appreciate it I’m sure. Plus, you get to see all of the wonderful wineries. Thanks for stopping by!


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